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Is Your Website Due for a Redesign? 7 Signs It’s Time for an Upgrade

As a small business owner, having an effective online presence is crucial for reaching local customers in 2023. But how do you know if your website needs a refresh to keep up with the latest trends and optimization practices? Here are 7 signs it may be time for a website redesign:

  1. Your website is more than 3 years old. Website design trends and technologies change rapidly. An outdated site can turn off modern visitors.
  2. Your website is not mobile-friendly. With more than 60% of searches happening on mobile devices, a non-responsive site means lost opportunities.
  3. Your website load speed is slow. Site speed greatly impacts rankings and conversion rates. If your site takes more than 2 seconds to load, it likely needs speed optimizations.
  4. Your website is difficult to navigate. Menus, calls-to-action and layout should guide visitors smoothly towards conversions. Confusing navigation increases bounce rates.
  5. Your branding and messaging feels stale. Your website should accurately reflect your current brand identity and messaging. Dated design elements undermine your professionalism.
  6. You’re not getting traffic from organic search. A modern SEO-optimized website ensures you get found by local customers searching online for your products and services.
  7. Conversions are low. If your website isn’t converting visitors into leads and sales, a redesign can help remove friction points and boost conversions.

An outdated website can seriously impact your ability to attract and convert local customers. If your site shows any of these warning signs, it may be time for a redesign. Your website is often the first impression of your business online – make sure it’s putting your best foot forward!

If you think your website could use a refresh but don’t know where to start, we’re here to help! Our team of experts specializes in custom website design and modernization for small businesses. We’ll work closely with you to create a website that achieves your unique business goals while showcasing your brand. Contact us today to learn more about our website design services for small businesses.